Most recently that was last Friday. I’d spent the beginning of the week rushing my baby Kanchen to the vet to get him on chemo therapy to slow down the growth of his aggressive nasal cancerous tumor, along with a few other lesser emergencies that hit, when I just had to zone out and get some stress relief reading in. Reading for me is a way to make everything go away. I love a good adventure story, so I recently went to one of my new favorite authors E. William Brown. I just love his Fimbulwinter (Daniel Black Series). You can find the first book here: His Daniel Black Series freaking rocks! I read all three again as I was running around with my head chopped off getting stuff resolved which put me back where I needed to be. Don’t worry; I still took the time to work on the editing of Destiny whenever I was home, except for Tuesday. Tuesday was the day I just completely zoned out after I got home and collapsed.
The whole week was crazy and didn’t let up. Friday I was really feeling the strain when I saw I’d gotten two back-to-back before I left work on Goodreads. I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome that made me feel. It was exactly what I needed to go home and spend more eye-bleeding time focused on editing Destiny over the whole weekend, whenever I had a second to sit down. Even after driving three hours into work and doing a full day at the office, I can’t wait to get home get working on finishing p my editing for Destiny. So, this is a big thank you to Demian and TheBADboys for the kudos! It also pushed my Flight’s rating to 4.0!
That's not to say thank you for everyone else who has given me good reviews, because reviews are the break and butter for any writer. Besides giving you the motivation to keep going, it always lets other people know your book is worth checking out. There's no better advertising then that! So for everyone who has been kind enough to take the extra time to leave a review, I thank you.
Although I’m getting better at editing, mostly due to’s program getting much better at finding mistakes, it is still a lot of work. It’s the “poor man’s” editor. Still, better than paying a professional editor money I don’t have for the same level of accuracy. My goal before I start handing Destiny out is to get a clean read-through without finding any errors. Right now grammarly still has me in the 2000+ critical error range, but like I said, I’m working through them as fast as I can.
My wife and I spend most of the weekends catching up on watching our shows together. We finally just caught up with Vampire Diaries and just started The Originals. Don’t laugh, I never knew just how good Vampire Diaries were until this last Christmas break where we caught up the whole five plus seasons. Also just as we caught up on that, Arrow, Gotham and Flash just started up again thankfully.
Anyway, that’s it for now. Just know I’m working hard to get the editing finished. Yea yea, as always I overestimated just how long the editing was going to take, but this is my first 650 page book!