He picked up one of my first copies of Flight and has really enjoyed the storyline. Another fellow gamer, we had a great time talking about some of our favorite video games and Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies in-between questions. As soon as he posts the interview I will link to his youtube page, but for now you only have my take on the interview.
Sometimes I get so focused on getting the next story out I forget how cool the storyline is. Talking with Tristan about how I came up with the idea for the series and discussing Books One and Two really got me excited all over again for the story.
I was telling him about how Book Two is going to have Minotaurs, Centaurs and Elves. We had a quick discussion about the Minotaurs, since we both are big time D&D and MMO fans. I explained my concept for the Minotaur Race like this: Picture Minotaur Roman Legions that are armed with runic metal gauntlets that transform into either a fist punch-spike sword that looks like a Gladius or into a large Roman shield. They also have a secondary weapon slung over their back that is a large double-headed battleaxe.
He loved the mental picture I painted for the race and thought it sounded awesome. I told him I was having a lot of fun with the story and that was just one small piece.
One of my fans from Goodreads, Richard Webster, had a great idea about discussing some of the up and coming things from Book Two. I really liked the concept and will try to slipping in some of the main characters bios from Book Two.
Tristan and I also discussed where I got the idea for the Last Paladin Series from. I explained to him that I always wanted to write and I’ve had several persistent dreams. One being about a teenage boy that was hidden on Earth when his people were decimated, the dream is about how he goes back to his own world and confronts the evil there.
Dreams are never one consistent story, but bits and pieces that are formed as I was growing up via Fantasy/Sci-Fi stories and movies that I grew up with. My childhood was quite horrible, so maybe it was my way of looking for a way out of the pain I was borne into.
Whatever it was, the dreams have been with me since my earliest memories.
When I started writing the Book One, I realized there was an entire story with how Startüm is discovered on Earth by his people’s ancient enemy. It was kind of a surprise since I had planned to start out by quickly going to Irlendria, but once I thought about how that story would go it just made sense to write it out. That is how Book One came into being.
Tristan asked me how many Book I’ve planned for the series, which was an easy answer. For now there is four books planned, although from how well the response is I have a great ideal for slightly altering the planned ending of Book four. If I do that I will easily have another three books to add to the series.
I also explained to Tristan that due to the extensive history of Irlendria and the war that has devastated their planet for around 3000 years. I have a lot of options for pre-stories. I already have one planned that would tell the story of how Startüm’s Mother and Father, Novastar Ironwolf and Ilmarinen Ironwolf, met and fell in love. It would go up to the point of where Novastar’s Father, Shadowfang brings Startüm to Earth.
Also I have a Sci-Fi series that has been building in my mind. One of my other long time dreams since I was a child. I’d like to start this once the first series of The Last Paladin is completed before I do any pre-stories.
All in all, I had a great talk with Tristan. He’s a pretty cool guy and we had a great time talking about everything.