Honestly, I never knew about this until I started writing. I enjoyed going to the facebook LitRPG & GameLIT groups to look for new and interesting titles to check out and read. I didn't realize that there was a group that was trying to get you to only read their stuff and to block everyone else. Now though, I realize that this, unfortunately, is a thing.
Looking at the profile of the people bashing these new writers usually show you either a history of trolling one or two stars review with only a handful of good reviews for their friends or their secondary accounts with only one to three reviews. Due to my calling out these trolls on my own books and pointing them to this blog posting, many of them have started making their profiles private so no one can see their previous trolling activities.
On my own novels, the accusations of plagiarize that they initially used to attack me has now been replaced by accusations of the misogyny treatment of women, rape, harem relationships, uninteresting story lines, unrealistic characters/relationships and a douche MC that reflects a douche author. It doesn't matter if the posts are accurate to the story or not, what's important is the reduction of the book's rating and their hope to find something that will stop new readers from enjoying the stories. Yeah, that's the funny thing about trolling. Nothing you say has to be true in any way.
I'm probably making myself more of a target since I encourage fans to point out the trolling group and their activities whenever they can. I also encourage people to talk about it to their friends in the LitRPG community. I also do my best to inform the authors being slammed that these are not fans, but a group of authors, editors and friends who purposely target Indy Authors. Not to mention, I call out the GameLit and LitRPG facebook groups that defend trolling activities. While Aleron Kong had the cajones to remove the questionable negative videos from his LitRPG channel https://www.reddit.com/r/GameLit/comments/a1zpoo/author_and_reviewer_ramon_mejia_banned_from/ many of the other LitRPG and GameLIT groups have not and openly support the negative activities on their channels.
Also, don't be a fan that supports one of the authors they bash. If you say anything, your jumped on by a group of jackals and your post removed. The funny thing, in these channels you are told that activities such as that are not allowed, but they are if your friends with the right moderators and admins. I tend to tell my own fans to not say anything in the social media groups and just voice their preference by leaving reviews on Amazon for the authors they love.
When you take the groups activities in total, I honest don't understand how anyone could spend their days trolling to the extent that they do. Maybe it's because I'm not a huge social media person. Except for my minor blog and facebook postings, I don't do much in the way of social media for the most part. It something that I have to actually push myself to do since it takes time away from doing creative things like writing and time from my family.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would think that these guys are being sponsored to do this as a job for some hidden group. Maybe, there isn't some shadowy organization behind them and they just do this, because trolling others makes them feel powerful. Still, I'd argue in favor of a hidden group being behind this. Otherwise, the amount of time it takes to do what they do on a daily basis doesn't make any sense to me on any other level.
The only way to fight these people are to make sure you leave reviews for your favorite authors. You taking the time to voice your opinion on Amazon reviews combats their trolling activities and keeps the stories you like coming out in new books. I also hope that at some time the community in general will stop these people's nefarious trolling activities and they'll be called out whenever they start. Maybe that is like wishing on a shooting star, but one can hope people will stand up to this kind of crappy behavior.
Too bad Amazon didn't go after these trolls as they do with any friends or family member of an author that wants to leave an Indy Author a good review. Amazon blocks anything like that nearly 100% but the trolling groups are not even looked at even though such activities are supposed to be against Amazon Communities terms of service.
__________________________the previous post____________________
(These previous reviews were either successfully blocked or were pulled and then were put back reworded with the same stars)
Hey, looks like that small group of LitRPG writers and friends are still going after me with the hate. Check these guys out:
Plagiarized on book 1:
Plagiarized, same guy on book 4:
Plagiarized on book 1:
Rape, same guy on book 4 but at least he mixed it up somewhat:
If you want to make an official complaint to Amazon, you can do that here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/contact-us/features-and-services.html They take readers' reports better than authors' reports.
Oh, or this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RJMRKQQ7N4SRR/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B07NBX4ZBS where Startum is now an emasculate soyboy. What's funny, if you read the rest of the review it contradicts itself.
Who would have thought that they'd pull this against book 1 and book 4? There are a few others doing the hate. Book 1 got a few taps of troll luv too.
I guess an Indy Writer can't be successful without getting trolling attacks by other authors. It would be helpful to report these people in as the haters they are with that click of a button if you have a moment. The 'Report Abuse' is right under the review ;)
Some, like this one for book one 'Doesn't understand mmorpg's' https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R17XN80MZ1QUDE/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B07H35XRLZ are almost funny. At least it would be if it wasn't being used to bash me.
Anyway, this was their most recent attack has knocked book 1 back down to 4.2 from 4.3 and book 4 from 4.7 to 4.4 I guess people are liking both books just a little too much and they had to try to find a way to stop people from enjoying my series. This is why I'm always asking people to leave a good review whenever you can.