Anyway, what do you think? Do any of these fit concept arts fit the visual you had for General Dell?
Anyway, I've added his Character List information below:
Morgan Dell (Rescued from Sea Orcs): Level 50 Swordsman General of the Kayden Troopers; male, light skin, dark brown hair, green eyes, 6’2”, trimmed full beard, muscular, serious. Was previously General Dell of the Royal Forces of the Kingdom of Kader, who’d been demoted to a Team-Leader when I met him in the Sea Orc rescue. A dark-brown flying squirrel named, Blink. The old unit was Royal Voltigeurs. Daughter - Lexi Dell, tortured and mentally mind-controlled by the Dil-Hilth of Palnisdale.
**Lexi Dell – Arcane mage – green eyes, light brown hair, pale skin, nineteen,
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