From the feedback I’ve received from all of the audiobook fans, everyone really wants me to stay with Jason Hill’s voice and are willing to wait; even if that means it takes a little bit longer for the audiobooks to be released. Not that I can disagree, Jason Hill does an excellent job. As long as everyone is cool with wait until he’s able to get around to completing the audiobooks for the series, then I won’t stress about it too much. From both of us, we appreciate everyone being so patient with our medical issues in 2020. Hopefully, we both will keep on the healthy side so this isn’t a problem again.
Book 8 is moving long nicely. Though I’m a solid six months behind schedule, I am back to writing like a fiend. So far, I’ve been hesitant to go over the Amazon’s template of 828 pages but this might change for book 8. I really want to have all three days included in the same book to finish off the Star’s gaming week and the current story arc. I’ll just have to see how long it takes me to get it all out. The feedback from everyone is that the story is kicking ass. One of the biggest things I’ve been hearing from everyone is that the characters seem more alive than ever from all of the action and shit-talking going on. So, just know that I’m working as hard as I can to get book 8 out as quickly as I can while improving the quality of the story and writing as always =D
For those of you who’d like a Sneak Peek of my stories, you can find it here on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23281087&fan_landing=true